Friday, November 2, 2012

The Insanity of Moving and Selling the House



Moving has insane moments. Ours definitely has not been an exception, but I think the worst may be over? One can always hope!

I arrived in Tampa on Monday late afternoon, stopped by Clearwater for a visit with ma and dinner out, and headed to Sarasota for our last night in the house. I knew there was still a lot to do but I was too exhausted to be of any help that night. I was almost too tired to appreciate being back together for the last night in our house, and I knew tomorrow was going to be crazy with a lot more to do before we were ready to turn over the house.   

Tuesday, 10/30 was closing day!

That was an insane day. There was still too much to clear out of the house. Thank goodness for our neighbor Mary who took a whole lot of stuff to her house, lots of kitchen things, everything from the fridge and who knows what all else. Our other friend Elka stopped by to say hi to Joel, thinking he was still home alone and would enjoy some company and maybe a hand with something. What a surprise to walk into chaos and a bunch of crazy people running around! She also helped enormously by taking a bunch of bigger items that she knew she could find homes for, lamps, end table, etc.

(Mary, one of our assistants and our former dog Pongo, who now lives with her)

We were so thankful that closing was postponed! They needed a couple extra hours to get all the paperwork in order, and this was exactly what we needed to get everything done. By the time closing was over all we needed to do was put our luggage in the car and leave. When I left the first time I didn't expect to see the house again so it was strange to be back. It was even more strange to see the house totally empty and be there for the moment we locked the doors behind us for the last time. What a good feeling though to have finally arrived at this point! We DID IT! We got everything finished in the house and got it sold, closed, done, finished. Wow.

I was also glad to be back here for closing because I was able to meet the buyers. They are really nice folks. We knew it would be someone unusual who would appreciate our unconventional house and yard, but the right people would come along and really love it. Sure enough, they did, and they do.

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