Monday, October 8, 2012

Two Days to Liftoff!

I'm ready! Everything is sorted. Everything is packed or ready to toss into the suitcase. There are a few odds and ends, errands, etc that will get done tomorrow because it's a holiday today. I leave the day after tomorrow. Is this really happening?

How did we get to this point? Why are we moving to Panama? We get asked this all the time. Some think it's exciting. Some can't imagine doing such a thing. But, as our generation reaches retirement, especially with the economic difficulties facing so many of us, more people are thinking of options. 

For us, it's lots of reasons. What do we require? What do we want?


  1. Affordable
  2. Warm
  3. Stable country with adequate infrastructure, crime under control
  4. Reasonable distance from the US
  1. Natural beauty, and beaches
  2. Interesting and welcoming native people
  3. Interesting things to do

The cost of living is a fraction of what it is in the US. 
The area we picked (city of David) has highs of upper 80's, lows of lower 70's year around.
The country has money, mainly from the canal, and the government is pumping the money back into the country. Roads are excellent. Internet is widely available and usually free in public areas. Growth and construction is evident everywhere, and the general tone of the country is upbeat and productive. 
Crime doesn't seem to be more of a problem than any US city. I think with sensible precautions we will feel secure. 

The country is gorgeous beyond words! There is everything from spectacular beaches to rainforest covered mountains. There is an amazing abundance and variety of wildlife. And, there is so much of the country we have yet to explore. 
The people are warm, friendly and welcoming. They are very family oriented, and love to have fun. We love the people we have met so far and look forward to making more Panamanian friends. 
There is shopping, restaurants, movies, all the things one would expect to find in a small city. There are tons of outdoor activities like swimming, fishing, hiking, tennis, scuba, snorkeling. Halba Ya languange school has field trips, salsa lessons, volunteer activities, and other opportunities. Boquette (45 min away in the "highlands") has a theater, weekly market, and other "gringo" gatherings for anyone who wants to do things with other expats. Again, there is so much yet to explore I'm sure we have barely scratched the surface. I am interested in photography and it will be a photography paradise!

This is my favorite beach in the area. I don't know if I've ever seen a place more beautiful. 

So, this is a little about our reasons for choosing Panama. There will be more as time goes on! 

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