good day yesterday!
must have found a good corner of the park yesterday morning, because
the internet actually worked!! I was parked along the street on the
west side, around the corner from the church. I'll have to aim for
this location again and see if my luck holds. How nice to talk with
Joel! Funny, we finally get to talk and neither of us can remember
half of what we wanted to say but who cares. It was just nice to
talk. I chatted a little with my teacher at Habla Ya, checked
Facebook for news of my kids, and answered emails that had been
sitting around for days. How nice after two days of internet barely
working, or not working at all. I must have been there a while
because last night I noticed that my left arm is sunburned.
also found the car insurance office without a bit of trouble and the
gal there took care of things in short order. So, for $91.19 I am
insured until August 2013. And, I had minimal trouble with
stopping by the park for the internet, I went to the farmers market
where a very nice young man fixed me up with everything I needed. Is
it possible to eat an entire pineapple and a bowl of papaya for
lunch? Umm... yes. I came home with a very large papaya, two
pineapples, two onions, two green peppers, two chayotes (summer
squash type things, very yummy), four bananas, three plantains, a
small cabbage, and a yucca (new experiment) - $7.25.
Oops, can't forget the yucca (but after eating it, I decided we definitely can forget the yucca in the future. It's somewhat like library paste)
But, the papaya was amazingly wonderful! I didn't think I even liked papayas but I'm happy to eat them every day here.
didn't hunt for the gas place, deciding that isn't a priority. I am
fine with cold showers and a hot plate indefinitely. I ended up
getting turned around somehow and accidentally explored new areas of
David, finally surprising myself by coming to the highway very close
to home. If I had internet I could try and find out what was going on
there! People with banners that said “Cologne” were blocking both
ways of the highway, and police were directing traffic around them.
Thankfully the way around was the road to my house so I just got out
of there and came home, more than ready to start working on my fruit
rest of the day I kept busy in the house. The walls of the back
bedroom are painted, and now it needs the storage area painted and
the floors scrubbed. I did laundry, no problems with the new washing
machine. I took a video of the ants before I sprinkle them with
anti-ant powder. I studied Spanish and read a little, thankful I had
downloaded all my kindle books.
There is a video I'm going to upload when I get a moment. It's not a video to see but rather to hear. I don't
know what was in the woods across the street last night but what
interesting sounds! I heard it briefly again this morning in the
woods behind my house but I couldn't see anything.
Update - video is uploaded - sounds in the night
Update - video is uploaded - sounds in the night
the way, what is happening with my compost? I put things from the
kitchen out to compost, and when I go back everything is gone! The
pineapple top I planted is gone too. Who am I feeding? The yard is
fenced so I don't think it's dogs. I'm going to start putting it
closer to the house where I can keep an eye out. Growing vegetables
in this yard may not work out.
we get serious about furniture shopping. I have a few stores I plan
to visit, and hopefully today I can decide on some living room
furniture and a dining room table. It may be cheaper to live here,
but it's not cheaper to get set up. (link) But, in general I'm
feeling very good. Thankfully we do have the resources to get what we
need, and I'm feeling more confident every day.
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