November 12th, 2012
(to see full size pictures, see the blog at
I was saying something about adding more fun to our daily life of chores, errands, and necessary tasks. Today we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. It was really nice to see more of our area and we are glad to be in such a nice place.
A nice house in our neighborhood. what pretty flowers! the dog doesn’t seem the least bit concerned about a couple strangers walking around the neighborhood.
Then, we figured that since our neighbors had told us there was a smooth path to the river at the other side of the woods, maybe we could find it. We walked all the way to the wall around some big mansion just beyond our neighborhood, and were about to give up when I spotted what looked like a path. We followed it for a while and sure enough, it started to head downhill towards what had to be the river.
It was just starting to sprinkle, but what the heck. Getting a little wet wouldn’t hurt anything so we proceeded down the path which became increasing steep. We climbed over rocks and under fallen trees until after a little while, sure enough, the river!
Joel thought he had a good idea. Rather than clamber back up the rocky and difficult path, why not just follow the river around the bend until we get to the steps we had taken with our neighbors. It couldn’t be that far. Now it was really sprinkling but the area is gorgeous, breathtakingly beautiful!
So, we proceeded along the path by the river as the rain increased, and the path became more challenging. After a while we were climbing over more rocks and tree trunks, hoping not to fall into the water.
At one point it looked like a good idea to head uphill to what looked like a field with forest on the other side, and we guessed our neighborhood had to be on the other side of the trees. But, the farther we went, the thicker the vegetation in the field until it was very difficult to make much progress. We decided the better thing to do would be to head back toward the river and continue with our original plan.
I had my cell phone in one pocket and the camera in the other, and by now I was really soaked. I was hoping I wasn’t going to ruin either one but there wasn’t any other reasonable place to carry them since I was equally wet under my clothes from sweating and the rain. But, every time I opened the camera it continued to work, and I couldn’t resist getting a shot here and there because rain and all, it was so beautiful.
Eventually we did indeed make it to the stairs. Near the stairs were a couple equally drenched guys happily fishing in the river. From there it didn’t take long to make our way up to the street and back to our house. We must have been a sight for our neighbors! I am happy to report that both the cell phone and the camera survived the excursion, as did both of us. I wasn’t worried about us though. How bad can it be to be drenched in warm rain in 80+ degree weather in a beautiful place?
I am looking forward to going back there again. I want to see more, swim in the river, take more pictures and videos, and explore the place. One of the things I really want to do in Panama is explore interesting and beautiful places, and this one is literally in our own back yard! How cool is that?!
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